- Divorce & Mediation
- Custody & Visitation
- Child Support & Modification
- Spousal Support & Alimony
- Property Division
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Paternity
- Step Parent Adoptions
- DCFS Issues
- Restraining Orders/Domestic Violence
- Domestic Partnership Agreements
Attorney Max Goldberg Provides:
Hillsborough County Parenting Classes
Hillsborough Community College/HCC - Parenting Classes
About the Program: This four-hour class tackles the issues involved in divorce. Required classes for divorce when children are involved. Effective co-parenting techniques. Instructors are experts in mental health aspects of divorce and conflict resolution. To register, please call (813) 253-7980 or 253-7987.
Parenting Class for Divorce - USF
4202 E Fowler Ave
Tampa, FL 33620
About the Program: The law ( section 61.21, Florida Statutes ) requires that all parties to a divorce proceeding with minor children must complete an approved (by the Florida Department of Children and Family Services) Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course (parenting class) prior to the entry by the court of a final judgment. The law further requires completion of the course “as expeditiously as possible” and for petitioner to do so within 45 days of filing and for the respondent to finish within 45 days of being served. Sanctions for noncompliance are provided. The court may hold any parent who fails to attend a required parenting course in contempt , or that parent may be denied shared parental responsibility or visitation or otherwise sanctioned as the court deems appropriate . Judges take this requirement seriously, and so, you should, too.
Telephone Numbers and Contact Information
Main Phone (813) 974-2879
Other Registration (813) 974-4296