

The information contained in this website is provided as a public service to the public. Nothing in this website should be deemed or construed as creating an attorney-client relationship with The Law Firm of Max Goldberg, P.A.. The content within this website is not intended to be legal advice or a legal opinion upon which the user may rely. It is not intended to help users represent themselves in their own legal situation. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law, The Law Firm of Max Goldberg, P.A. makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this website.

Additionally, The Law Firm of Max Goldberg, P.A. is licensed to practice law in those jurisdictions and courts specified in this website. The availability of the website in jurisdictions outside which The Law Firm of Max Goldberg, P.A. is not licensed should not be deemed or construed as advertising of their services in those jurisdictions. Professional legal counsel in those jurisdictions should be sought for legal advice. The Law Firm of Max Goldberg, P.A.'s goal is to keep information on this website as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

It is important that before anyone act on any of the information provided herein that such person first consult a lawyer about their specific case. Additionally, sending an electronic email does not mean that the user has established an attorney-client relationship with The Law Firm of Max Goldberg, P.A.. An attorney-client relationship can only be established or formed by a written agreement between both parties.

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